Samarth Verma

Mr. Samarth Verma is a Co-Founder and Chairman of the Board of FansXR, has develop the company for global product launch of real time immersive media broadcasting for digital streaming and asset creation. FansXR brings live fan-controlled broadcast view in real time 2D, 360 and animated environments for entertainment and sports gamification powered by extended reality and augmented data overlays. The technical creation of the software including the media player and the integration of real time interactive features has evolved to include gamification, betting, real time interactive data integration with artificial intelligence enhancements and optimization of hardware to create the real time product.
Mr. Verma’s background originated in research and it encompasses the vast field of mathematics. At the age of nine he published his first research paper in The Abstract of the American Mathematics Society’s “Conjectures in Number Theory”. He became a member of the Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium and worked for NASA as a student research associate while attending the Engineering College of Wisconsin, Madison. Mr. Verma has a background in corporate development and product launches of organizations.
Over the years Mr. Verma has worked with large affinity groups with large member bases and has marketed to millions of households with various organized labor groups. He has helped develop projects in hospitality, multifamily, residential, commercial, casino, online gaming, oil, gas, mining along with affiliated relations in international banking, communications, technology, and marketing.
"Man is the only animal that blushes. Or needs to." Mark Twain
World Market Center Las Vegas (September 13-15, 2023) | 475 S Grand Central Pkwy #1615 Las Vegas, NV 89109 | +1 (800) 477-6119