Miguel Sanchez

Miguel Sanchez, hailing from the Bronx, is a pioneering entrepreneur deeply immersed in the Web3 revolution. Recognizing the game-changing capabilities of blockchain technology, not just in finance but also in reshaping content creation, he took the lead in co-founding Stack, a cutting-edge decentralized finance app. Driven by a steadfast belief in financial freedom as a linchpin for both individual success and societal advancement, Miguel's ventures don't stop there. He also co-initiated Dot Hip Hop Partners, collaborating with the TLD .hiphop. This partnership aims to usher in a new era for hip hop, envisioning a future that's both creatively enriched and decentralized.
World Market Center Las Vegas (September 13-15, 2023) | 475 S Grand Central Pkwy #1615 Las Vegas, NV 89109 | +1 (800) 477-6119