Local Sparx

Local Sparx, B Corp. Solutionist Alliance reimagines viable communities, improving economics, environments, and integrities. We are addressing the lack of emergency prepared communities with affordable low maintenance, energy efficient housing and the increase in cost of living with a goal to help at least 20k homeless veterans and many others to become gainfully employed.
We set out in 2022 to test data driven collaborative solutions by engaging collaborators in virtual feasibility studies. In 2022 and 23 we completed alpha testing various solutions.
We are looking for active collaborators and $4M to rehab and expand a historical health and wellness center on sacred grounds that will expand into additional acreage to develop communities that produce and sell excess food, water and power creating a sustainable economic and environmentally friendly development to share excess resources with neighbors in cases of emergency. Qualified Veterans will be offered the first rights to be trained to construct these developments repurposing nontoxic commercial waste with proprietary technology to develop throughout the nation and then the world in a highly sustainable transparent way. Only active collaborators and philanthropists will have the first rights to be the investors in these projected highly profitable next developments.
World Market Center Las Vegas (September 13-15, 2023) | 475 S Grand Central Pkwy #1615 Las Vegas, NV 89109 | +1 (800) 477-6119